Blog Archive

Sunday, February 9, 2014

One of my classmates, Eleanor Simpson, made a post which I found very interesting titled. “Digital Natives/Digital Immigrants” in the PIPD 3240 Discussion on Media and the Teaching/Learning Process.
In her post, Eleanor refers to an article by Marc Prensky which discusses the difference in learning/teaching methods between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants.

I often find myself being a 'bridge' between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants.
It seems I have had digital games, music and information around most of my life - I am an 'early adopter' and sold technology for several years.  For me, technology is pretty much second nature while some of my peers still struggle with technology.
I do agree with Marc Prensky’s statement that “today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach”.  I believe this is part of the reason why the Government of British Columbia has recently made changes to the curriculum to address the outdated nature of the current curriculum.
I also found Marc Prensky’s assertion that being Digital Immigrants gives us an ‘accent’ compared to Digital Natives.  We do speak the same language; however thing we say may be misinterpreted because of technology.  I remember a lecture I attended in University where the Professor was talking about generational gaps and how as technology increased, the evolution of society and generational gaps in society will widened at an exponential rate.
Technology and the Generation Gap
The Growing Technological Generation Gap

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