ELMO Visual Presenters: Old School, but still Cool!
While taking a Foundations in Adult Education Course (PIPD 3100) at Vancouver Community College, the technology that I was most impressed
with was the Visualizer (aka ELMO). I am especially in awe of the original
analog versions.
I know it is old technology; however, the ability to place
something on it and project an analog of it on the screen is amazing to me.
I wish we had them when I was previously a student. ELMO devices have a variety of uses. You are able to project pretty much anything
that fits on it.
ELMO devices also eliminate the need for making multiple copies
of documents, which is good for the environment. For example, an instructor is able to
increase the size of a newspaper article and discuss it with the class rather
than having to print copies for everyone.
A poetry student is able to place their poem on the ELMO and easily
display it, rather than printing many copies to handout.
Being involved with technology and music reproduction over the
years, there is a certain allure to the analog domain. Digital Music
sounds like something is ‘missing’ especially when it comes to soundstage (size
of the aural and imaging When you create a digital representation of something,
you are sampling it or reducing it to fluctuations or differences.
When you create an analogue of something, you are creating a
close likeness or record, not a sample. Seeing an analogue of a porcelain
figurine on a screen is more effective (and affective) than seeing a digital
picture of the figurine.
Digitizing the technology of ELMO devices has made them more
affordable. They can be found for as
inexpensively for $39.99 used!
Newer ELMO devices have even more uses as outlined by the video
linked below.
I was impressed with this contraption when it was being mentioned on the forum. You actually seen it at work...nice! It sounds like you are fond of it?